Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In the clear...?

I had my ultrasound today to determine the location of my placenta in reference to my c-section incision. The tech was much better- seemed to be more experienced and knowledgeable. He did some (seemingly unnecessary) checking on the heart, measurements, etc., before getting to the point. After some "doing" he concluded that the edge of the placenta was about 2-3 centimeters from the edge of the scar but he's "not 100% on that." Okayy, I hope he's right because, and I don't know much about this but, it seems like 2-3 centimeters is pretty close! I'll get the full report when I go to my next appointment on the 30th.

He also said that the baby's in a breech/transverse position. This worries me because it's the exact position Chloe was stuck in when I had the version with her (luckily it was successful). I was told at that time that my septic uterus would cause my babies to gravitate toward being in this position. Although the version totally sucked and was painful and scary, it was definitely worth avoiding a c-section. Ironically, I had one anyway, but it was not because she was breech. If I have to have a version again with this baby, I will but I am interested to see if my midwife is willing to deliver a breech baby... I will update on that once I find out.

He estimated that the baby weighs 3 pounds and is a week ahead of my due date. He/she passed the heart check test, "8 out of 8." That's my baby! Gettin' A's already! =)

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