Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I just "followed" my own blog! Oh, well. It shows off my sense of humor! (NOT my blonde-ness, right?)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

21 Weeks

I've reached the 21 week mark and it's going great. I cleaned the house spick and span for hubster so that he would be relaxed when he came home for Father's Day but he didn't really notice and went outside to work on the yard. So much for my expectations! Oh, well. We had a fabulous dinner at my grandparents house, cooked by my mom and then headed to my in-laws for the rest of the evening.

I'm feeling the baby many times a day now and the movements are getting stronger. Sometimes it catches me off-guard and I squeal or jump. Nothing has changed really, just getting closer to the end!

I am NOT looking forward to fireworks or our stupid annual bike rally next month. I'm such an old grump. I don't care. I wish we were going to be gone for one or both of these events, but alas, we will be back just in time to "enjoy" the festivities.

This has turned into a regular bitch-session instead of a pregnancy update so I'm logging off and heading to bed.

Sidenote: I'm 99% sure that a friend has delivered her baby over the weekend and I'm still waiting for the announcement! Come on! Tell us what you had!!! I'm dying to find out! I hope everything is going well with her little family. You know who you are!!

A Tribute to a Wonderful Father

My husband is one of the most incredible fathers I have ever witnessed. He is extremely selfless when it comes to his children and lets them absolutely abuse him whether it's treating him like a human trampoline or a doodle pad. It's adorable. So today, I dedicated my blog to him and I look forward to another child experiencing his love and adoration. I love you baby!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

4 Month Anniversary

It has been 4 months today since I found out I was pregnant with my third child. I have about 20 more weeks until I meet my little surprise and, so far, this pregnancy has completely flown by. Next week is vaca in SoCal and I am really looking forward to getting away for a while.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Halfway There!

I'm 20 weeks pregnant today and I'm happy to have the first half over with because that means I am that much closer to having a new yummy baby. I've been having fun cuddling babies at work and it has really helped get me excited about having a new baby again and less nervous about the prospect of THREE to handle and the stress that comes with it.

At my last midwife appointment I had gained 2 pounds and everything looked good. I can feel the baby moving so much now and I love that! I bought the first thing for this baby a few weeks ago- a light blue onesie. I liked seeing Chloe in blue (it brought out her eyes) so it works for either gender. It's going to be different shopping for more gender-neutral clothing this time but I'm not going to start for another few months. Our biggest purchase is going to be a new convertible carseat. I hate infant carriers and stopped using them after Chloe; I didn't miss it a bit with Auron. It was much easier just to put him in the sling, especially since Chloe was under 2 when he was born.

Since it's my blog and I can bitch if I want to, I'm going to spend some time bitching about infant carriers and how inconsiderate people are to their babies when in them! I work at the WIC office and I see babies ALL the time. When parents/whoever carry babies in infant carriers, they forget to handle the baby with care and he/she gets jostled all over the place. On a regular basis! Secondly, almost no one knows how to properly restrain their child in such a seat and it poses such a unnecessary risk to them- usually because they don't care about it or don't want the baby to be uncomfortable. Come on people! Get your shit together! Your baby's life is at stake every time you drive with him/her in the car!

Alrighty, I'm done with that.

So I'm doing great! Baby's great! It's all downhill from here.

Reminder to self: post regarding age spacing between siblings; I had a bit of an epiphany!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well I did it...

I spoke to my advisors and worked out a plan to cut down to one class per term until the end of the year (that's two terms total). Next term I will be studying Creating Wellness- Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Healing, which sound pretty great. It's another 400-level course, but I think it will be much easier for me to focus on it without the stress of another class. I did have to pay a bit of a price to be able to do this though. The difference between my Pell grant and the tuition was too low to file for financial aid so I have to pay it over the next few months.

The following term, I have to choose an elective that's either on the health side or the wellness side (as my major is Health and Wellness). This sets my graduation date back a bit, but I guess I don't have to race to the finish line!

Friday, June 11, 2010

An Immediate Blog

Literally 2 minutes ago, Daniel asked me, "Is she trained in this??"....

He likes to horseplay with the kids often which is helpful for them all because they get tired and he gets much-needed baby-love from them. He's sitting on the couch next to me while they are standing/jumping/beating on him when Chloe reaches over, grabs a bottle of lotion, takes off the lid and goes to apply to daddy when he says, "STOP!" turns to me and proceeds to ask the question.

I could not stop laughing to even think of an answer to this question, so I said, "I'm SO blogging this! RIGHT NOW!"

Holy hell, the bloggable moments in my life are incredible!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

19 Weeks

Your Baby: Week 19

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

It's after midnight so I am officially 19 weeks pregnant. It's really flying by, thanks life keeping me busy and stressed out! I feel good physically but definitely more pregnant. My diastasis recti makes my belly huge and my back hurt but my midwife gave me a pregnancy exercise book that has a section on this. Hopefully I can be diligent enough to help close the gap a bit.

I had my latest midwife appointment last week and I finally gained weight- 2 pounds. I'm not nervous at all that I won't gain enough weight since I gained 42 with Chloe and 31 with Auron. I do hope I can keep it under 30 this time. 25 would be ideal. She tried 3 different fetoscopes but it was too early still and the baby seemed to be nestled pretty deeply in there. My midwife impressed me when she felt around and said that the baby seemed to be in the head-down position. Baby's only like 6 inches long! I though, "You have highly skilled, magic hands!"

We talked about my high stress levels and asked me if it would hurt anything if I took a break from school... I want to do everything (perfectly) and so the idea of taking a break is painful for me to imagine. I may take time to speak to my advisor.

I'm going to use a pregnancy update list that I stole from my friend Marcie! (Thanks Marcie! :)

Pregnancy Update:

How far along?: 19 weeks.

Total weight gain: 2 pounds.

How big is baby?: About 6 inches and 8-9 ounces.
Stretch marks?: That was done and over with with Chloe. I got 3 or 4 small ones with Auron. I doubt any new ones will crop up this time. If they do, oh well! I won't be heartbroken!

Sleep?: Thanks to Pepsin supplements that are eliminating heartburn... incredible!!

Best moment this week?: The kids kissing the belly and talking to the baby. So sweet!

Movement?: Increasing more and more. I was kind of squishing the belly when I was getting Auron to bed and Baby must have gotten cramped and kicked several times.

Food cravings?: Fruit juices, giant veggie Subs, and hot puffed Cheetos!

Labor signs?: I haven't started braxton hicks yet but with this being my third, I'm expecting more than ever later on.

Belly button in or out?: I have a permanent outie.

What I miss: Emotional stability.  ...Okay, just the amount of stability that I have when not pregnant. Doesn't mean it's a normal amount!

What I'm looking forward to: Hitting the 20 week mark; feeling more and stronger movements; our vacation in 3 weeks!

Milestone: Half-way point next week!