Sunday, June 20, 2010

21 Weeks

I've reached the 21 week mark and it's going great. I cleaned the house spick and span for hubster so that he would be relaxed when he came home for Father's Day but he didn't really notice and went outside to work on the yard. So much for my expectations! Oh, well. We had a fabulous dinner at my grandparents house, cooked by my mom and then headed to my in-laws for the rest of the evening.

I'm feeling the baby many times a day now and the movements are getting stronger. Sometimes it catches me off-guard and I squeal or jump. Nothing has changed really, just getting closer to the end!

I am NOT looking forward to fireworks or our stupid annual bike rally next month. I'm such an old grump. I don't care. I wish we were going to be gone for one or both of these events, but alas, we will be back just in time to "enjoy" the festivities.

This has turned into a regular bitch-session instead of a pregnancy update so I'm logging off and heading to bed.

Sidenote: I'm 99% sure that a friend has delivered her baby over the weekend and I'm still waiting for the announcement! Come on! Tell us what you had!!! I'm dying to find out! I hope everything is going well with her little family. You know who you are!!

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