Sunday, August 29, 2010

31 weeks

I had a major freakout when I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid this week. It turned out to be an infection easily cured with OTC meds. This close call got me inspired to complete the tasks that still needed to be done in preparation for this baby. I needed to buy a carseat, and that I ordered online this evening (check!), and we need to come up with a boy name. Daniel's in charge of the first name and the middle name's up to me, so I am going to try to come up with a list that I like to present to him for his vote (we always have veto rights on each other's choices). I find name-searching to be tedious and annoying and this is why I haven't done it yet.
At my emergency midwife appointment yesterday, I went ahead and did my regular checkup stuff. I had some protein in my urine and leukocytes (related to the infection), baby had turned head-down, yay!, and I had lost 3 lbs since my last appointment, bringing me down to a total gain of 15 lbs for the pregnancy so far. My midwife told me to be sure not to restrict my food, which is never a problem for me because I love to eat. I've never gained this little during a pregnancy before. I gained 42 with Chloe and 31 with Auron and I don't see myself doubling my weight gain in the next 9 weeks or so.

After she reviewed my ultrasound with the perinatologist, my midwife gave me the green light for an out-of-hospital delivery. I am so relieved to have this information so that I can finally plan my birth. I am clear to order my birthing kit and pack my birthing center bag. I don't have to worry about having a babysitter for what might be days at a time for the kids and have the option to have them there with me when I deliver. For this, I am keeping and open mind. If things go smoothly and work out, then we may bring them with us to the birthing center. I don't want to have any expectations about this so that I can try to make the best decision possible for the time, so I'm trying not to think about it very much except for the fact that I want someone to come with us to take care of them. But who??

So my pregnancy update checklist for week 31 is this:

•How far along?: 31 weeks.

•Total weight gain: 15 lbs. Thank you veggie subs and being way too busy!

•How big is baby?: depending on where you search, the baby is about 3- 3.5 lbs and can be up to 18 inches long.

•Maternity clothes?: Mostly, but I do have some jeans that ride low enough to wear under the belly.

•Stretch marks?: No new ones as far as I can tell, although there may be one on my breast...

•Sleep?: Sleep has not been great lately. I can't seem to get into a comfortable position and something ends up aching. Once I finally get in a good position, one of the kids always wakes me up for something. UGH!

•Best moment this week?: Finding out that the baby is okay- no premie so far, that he/she is vertex again, and finally being able to plan my sweet birthing center birth.

•Movement?: Of course movement is getting more intense and the baby goes through this moments of hurricane shaking. I'm not sure what's going on in there, but I can tell that this child is getting very strong!

•Food cravings?: Same as always, foot-long vegetable subs with extra cheese and mayo.

•Labor signs?: Besides the false leaking, no. I did have a few painful contractions last week when I was feeling completely exhausted physically and emotionally, but a 2-hr nap fixed that right up.

•Belly button in or out?: Forever out. But at least it doesn't hurt like it used to!

•What I miss: Being able to maneuver around without being slow or something aching.

•What I'm looking forward to: Getting closer to delivery time. I am excited about this birth!

•Milestone: I am now in single digit weeks! 63 days and counting although I am expecting to go late like I did with Chloe.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In the clear...?

I had my ultrasound today to determine the location of my placenta in reference to my c-section incision. The tech was much better- seemed to be more experienced and knowledgeable. He did some (seemingly unnecessary) checking on the heart, measurements, etc., before getting to the point. After some "doing" he concluded that the edge of the placenta was about 2-3 centimeters from the edge of the scar but he's "not 100% on that." Okayy, I hope he's right because, and I don't know much about this but, it seems like 2-3 centimeters is pretty close! I'll get the full report when I go to my next appointment on the 30th.

He also said that the baby's in a breech/transverse position. This worries me because it's the exact position Chloe was stuck in when I had the version with her (luckily it was successful). I was told at that time that my septic uterus would cause my babies to gravitate toward being in this position. Although the version totally sucked and was painful and scary, it was definitely worth avoiding a c-section. Ironically, I had one anyway, but it was not because she was breech. If I have to have a version again with this baby, I will but I am interested to see if my midwife is willing to deliver a breech baby... I will update on that once I find out.

He estimated that the baby weighs 3 pounds and is a week ahead of my due date. He/she passed the heart check test, "8 out of 8." That's my baby! Gettin' A's already! =)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Post-Appt Update

The appointment went well; I had my blood drawn for the glucose test, signed some consent forms for some of the newborn procedural stuff, and found out that I gained 10 lbs since my appoitment 5 weeks ago. This isn't surprising since I have been pretty immobile from this stupid back pain. I have had a few episodes of faintness accompanied by shakiness and some nausea despite my continual nourishment. She suggested that I buy iron drops since it sounds to her like I'm anemic and that's what's causing these problems. Oops, I should probably start taking that!

Anyway, we talked about the ultrasound that I had done and the report that she received on it. She spoke with the peri and they agreed that it has to be redone since the tech didn't know what the frick he was doing and didn't get enough shots of the placenta to know if I'm in the clear. I have yet to hear back from the office for scheduling of that scan.

After the appointment, I went to my chiropractor appointment and it took him about 4 minutes to realign my pelvis, which he said was all outta whack. I have felt much better since that adjustment. I go back in 3 weeks when my next midwife appointment is scheduled.

So I'm down 28 weeks, up 18 pounds, and still don't know where I will be delivering. I'll hold off ordering my birthing kit until I know if I'm high or low risk.

Once I get over this cold that is surfacing, I'm going to make it a point to start being more active so as to avoid blimping out and gaining a bunch of weight.

Monday, August 9, 2010

3rd Trimester!

I am officially 28 weeks pregnant and man, am I feelin' it! If I am up and around very much I get pretty wiped out. This child is definitely getting stronger. Sometimes he/she will kick so hard, it hurts!

I see my midwife this week and I have my glucose draw. I have to remember to eat complex carbs and protein 2 hours before my appointment. If I fail, I have to drink the glucola for my 3-hour. I've never failed, so I'm not worried about it. My chiropractor appointment is also coming up this week. Hopefully it will be a miracle cure for this creaky old back 'o mine. I've got to make it a point to get my abs back in shape after this baby's born.

Life Update:

Chloe starts Pre-K next week and I'm thrilled/a little freaked out. I am going shopping this week for clothes for her and Auron for the winter and hopefully I can find a few neutral items for this baby. I also have to find her a backpack- particularly one WITHOUT freakin' Dora or any other stupid-ass character. I really hate for my kids to be walking advertisements. Daniel thinks it's cute which is bad for me because it makes it a bigger struggle to fight against it.

I'm trying to get an idea of lunches for Chloe because I will not subject her to public elementary school food. Barf. And since she's ridiculously picky, that probably means a lot of pb&j, but at least it's organic and whole grain! If she could have cereal easily, I'd do that because she can eat cereal for every snack and meal. I think lunch is my #1 concern right now because I won't be there to tell her to finish her food. Hopefully by strategically making it super cute, she'll gobble it down.

The other thing I'm wondering about is how Auron is going to handle being Chloe-free for 32 hours a week... I think I'll be able to take him to work with me since they each are infinitely better behaved for me when I they are separated. It will be nice to have some alone time with him for a little while before the new baby comes. He's never had that and I loved my time with Chloe when she was little.