Monday, February 15, 2010

Standing strong despite nay-sayers

When I got pregnant with my first child, it was received with lots of positivity (having your first is VERY exciting). With my second, the congratulations were a little bit muted except that there were SO many people who said, "I hope it's a boy!!!"

Now that we're attempting our third (and I can't contain my excitement!), most of the reactions are negative. "But I thought you were going to take a break from that." "Do you really think that's a good idea? Kids are haard!" "Okaaay. Uh, good luck." And, "What?! Another one!? I really think you should wait" (granted, that one came from a drunk friend). Thanks, assholes! Why can't you just pretend to be supportive and shut the fuck up!?

We are good parents and we love our children. We have the right to do what we please! Besides, we take better care of our kids than so many other parents I know.

On the other hand, I have received support from some unexpected people and their warmth and positivity has helped to balance out the nay-sayers. My mother, mother-in-law, and my doctor all responded with genuine support. In fact, when I went in for my pre-conception check-up, my doctor's instant reaction was excitement! I was definitely not expecting so much support from him!

I'm not going to let negativity get me down. I know in my heart what is right and it really isn't anyone else's business.

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