Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I figured out a couple of years ago that I had a sensitivity to MSG (most people do) and I began eliminating foods with the ingredient "MSG" listed which resulted in much better health. I should point out that most MSG in food is hidden under another name.

In case you didn't know, MSG is a neurotoxin that causes a whole array of health problems including MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, heart problems, respiratory problems, ADD/ADHD, headache, brain damage, and SOO many more.

MSG is in almost every processed food and it is currently being sprayed on food crops because it is a great pesticide. The most astonishing thing about this issue is that it is in INFANT FORMULA. Almost all of them. Now when someone says, "Well formula isn't poison!" I'm going to vehemently reply, "That is EXACTLY what it is!"

Thank God my milk is free of poison- now I have to completely eliminate it from our diets and that means learning all of the names of hidden MSG... I have some work to do.

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